Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The program is dedicated to enabling skilled workers to cater to the workforce needs of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. International graduates are also attracted. AIPP is among the best immigration procedures to attain the status of a permanent resident. Employers who are unable to fill the vacancies in their organization through the local workforce and seek foreign workers for their growing global network are the driving force behind this program. Applicants must be a skilled workers having required experience or a graduate of one of the Atlantic province’s recognized institutes. They must possess a valid job offer from an employer.

There are three programs under this pilot program;

Atlantic High-Skilled Program

Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program

Atlantic International Graduate Program

Requirements for each program varies under the following heads;

  • Education
  • Language
  • Work Experience
  • Job Offer
  • Provincial Endorsement

In addition, the applicants are required to prove they have enough financial steadiness for themselves and their dependents after arriving in Canada. The funds can go from $3,240CAD for 1 member of the family to $8,575CAD for 7 or more members.

For complete details and guidance, contact Canvas Immigration.