Studying Without a Study Permit

You can still study without having a study permit. That’s completely possible and legal provided you act wisely. Courses that have a duration of six months or less can be pursued without a study permit but the visa will not be extended in case of any delay that outlasts the six-month period. If you are […]

Study Permit

International students who want to study in Canada to obtain a degree, diploma or certification that has sessions’ length continuing beyond 6 months require a study permit. You are eligible to be issued a study permit if; You have received a letter of acceptance from a Canadian DLI. You have no criminal record. You are […]

International Experience Canada

The program targets the youth wishing to live temporarily in Canada and work for a limited period. You must be between 18 and 35 years of age and your country/state must have an agreement with Canada in place for an IEC work permit. Or you can use the channel of recognized organizations devoted to offering […]

Work While Studying in Canada

Working off-campus no longer requires a work permit. Students are authorized to work for at most 20 hours per week during their session and can work full-time during summer or winter break. It is incumbent upon the student to pursue vocational, academic or professional training at a designated learning institution (DLI). Eligibility for work without […]

Owner/Operator Work Permit

If you are seeking to grow your business globally and have chosen Canada as one of countries of corporate network, or are intending to purchase an existing business entity Canvas Immigration will help you obtain the work permit. To fortify your chances for a successful application, you must prove you have controlling interest in an […]

Work Permit based on Labour Market Impact Assessment

A Canadian employer is bound to get an LMIA before hiring a foreign worker. This is to ensure that the entry of foreign workers doesn’t impact the Canadian labor market negatively. They are required to furnish evidence of their sincere efforts to recruit Canadian citizens or permanent residents. The employer may hire workers on high […]

Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP)

If you have already applied for permanent residence through the following; Federal Skilled Worker Program Federal Trades Worker Program Canadian Experience Class Provincial Nominee Program Home Child Care Provider Pilot Home Support Worker Pilot You may still continue to work for your Canadian employer until your application for permanent residence gets screened and approved. Your […]

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

Canvas Immigration is delighted to inform that those applicants who have graduated from Canadian institutions can apply for a PGWP, allowing them to extend their stay in Canada while acquiring experience which might lead them to permanent residence in the country. You must have over 8 months of program study to receive a PGWP for […]

Open Work Permits

The holder of an open work permit is at will to join any employer and work for any organization. It doesn’t require a job offer which means you can get suitable work after arriving in Canada. If your spouse or common-law partner holds a work permit of at least six months, is employed in a […]

Temporary Resident Visa

Canada is a beautiful country to visit and live in. If you are a traveler, tourist, foreign worker having a work permit, or a student on a study permit, you can apply for a temporary resident visa. You can submit the application online or on paper for yourself or your family. The processing and collection […]